Archives / May, 2007

Twittering away

I have to admit that when I set up my Twitter account I thought I’d be turning it off after a few days for lack of interest. Instead I was calling up T-Mobile ordering a higher volume sms package. I have to say there’s something addicting about it – I like the short message format; I like hearing what my friends are up to; I like the record of my day that it creates for me and for people that are following me; in short – it’s just fun. My Twitter ID is Sether ( if you want to see what I’m doing. A few quick comments, in case this post finds its way to the Obvious gang (creators of…

Is title inflation an acceptable recruiting/retention technique?

I’ve had a few people ask me about this recently and it felt “blog worthy”. At issue is the question of whether it’s ok to use title as an incentive to either keep someone at a company or attract them there in the first place . . . is playing to someone’s ego an acceptable employment practice? I know some people who get really bent out of shape about this stuff, but my view is that using title as part of a ‘comp package’ is ok –in certain circumstances and with a full understanding of the potential pitfalls. Most importantly, this can only be used in “bubble cases” where someone is truly on the line between senior manager/director or senior…


Would you work for $1? Here’s a few people who do.

Wanted: Information

I don’t know what happened to Google alerts, but I’m not getting anything from my alerts these days. I have maybe 60 alerts set up and get maybe a one alert every other day – I know I’m missing just about everything that’s really being written out there, but can’t figure out why. While they say that ignorance is bliss, I’m feeling less utopic than just uninformed. I was going to switch everything over to Yahoo! alerts but I thought that before I did that I’d poll you to see if anyone had suggestions on alternatives. Any ideas?